Sunday, February 20, 2011

Plant Karakuri OTK

Đây là 1 trong những lí do team mình muốn tuyển người có khả năng chơi deck này. Thực sự nó rất có khả năng.

Deck ban đầu được phát hiện từ 1 tour nhỏ bên OCG. Sau đó được Jeff Jones (người duy nhất 1st SJC với Quickdraw Plant) phát hiện và đang được dần hoàn thiện.

Sau đây là 1 bài report hay và chất lượng về Plant Karakuri OTK mình bắt được bên Pojo của Murkd. Link gốc ở đây:

I come off of two midterms on Friday and really haven't played since the last regional. I did manage to go to the sneakpeek and pick up a bunch of Karakuri stuff though. I saw Jeff Jones' build a few weeks ago and had been tweaking it to my liking ever since.

I crash at my buddy Rich's house where we test for a bit, but the deck struggles so badly against GBs that all we're accomplishing is making me lose confidence in the deck. After a short sleep we pick up Arjun, Chan and Bui and get to the location quite early. Now normally I end up switching to GBs the morning of a regional, but after plenty of debate I decide I'll just go ahead and "play a fun deck." No side decking experience or anything.

There was ~120 people, 7 rounds of swiss.

Sorry if I don't remember your name or got some details wrong. I really wasn't expecting to top, so I didn't make an effort to remember specific details, especially in the
early rounds. Feel free to correct me about anything.

Round 1: Asian dude (Six Samurai)

Game 1- He wins the roll and summons Kageki + Mizuho, but then ends with no backrows?!?! I open with an average hand and am able to clear his board. I ride the advantage to the end.
Game 2- He opens United for the plus one. I draw bad and he gets more advantage with Mizuho + Shinai.
Game 3- I'm forced to warning and then Solemn Judgment monsters because he has an early gateway. Unfortunately he has more monsters and brings me down to 500. I finally draw a playable monster and I proceed to Cold Wave, chain E-teleport + Forbidden Lance. I clear his monsters and his gateway is rendered useless under Cold Wave which allows me to take the win.

Round 2: Patrick Marshall (Frognarchs)

Game 1- He wins the rolls but apparently he draws quite bad. I set a karakuri Soldier and he wastes a few cards to make a catastor. My supposed to be dead Dust Tornado hits his one trap (trecherous Trap Hole) and I have Mind Control to turn his catastor and my tuner into karakuri comboes for game.
Game 2- He opens bad again. I just set a bottomless on my turn and it eats up a Goyo Guardian. On my turn I have fortress + Lonefire to eventually end up with 2 bureidos and a scrap dragon. I oppression his fader next turn, but he drops gorz afterwards. He's unable to clear all of my synchros on his turn and I force him to pay Lifepoints with oppression until hes low enough to swing over caius for game. Sorry bro.

Round 3: Scott Gerrow (Six Samurai)

Game 1- No brokenness from either side here. I'm trying to set up a play through Karakuri Solider but I misplay and try to end his battle phase early with strategist. I forgot that kagemusha can redirect effects to itself and it ends up costing me the game.
Game 2- He Chimeratech's my soldier quite early in the game, but it appears to be the only monster he draws and I win it easily.
Game 3- We get into the late game, both quite low on LP. I had to pay myself down to stop a Shien and a DEST. I set up the turn before I make my push by setting Solemn Judgment and Forbidden lance. On my next turn I'm forced into an ugly brionac play to his Ancient Fairy Dragon and 2-3 backrows. Solemn negates his warning and I bounce AFD with priority. Apparently he has a bunch of dead Samurai countertraps and the Mirror Force he rips next turn isn't enough.

This is where my deck starts to cooperate.

Round 4: John David Mitchell Redbird (GK)

Game 1- I win the roll and explode first turn for Bureido x2, Stardust and something else. He sets a monster and soem backrows, but they can't break my setup. All i see is a GK descendant, so I side out Reborn and Call just in case.
Game 2- He doesn't have Royal Tribute luckily. I believe he just summons a GK with Necrovalley and a few backrows. I proceed to Trunade into OTK (Gearframe -> Fortress +
Foolish + Mind Control) if I'm not mistaken.

Game 5: David Nguyen (Absolute Zero)
Ends up 9th :/

Game 1- I think I win the roll. I set a monster and 2 backrows. He typhoons my Solemn Judgment, summons Armageddon to dump mali and sets a bottomless. I Dust in the endphase and I have the otk.
Game 2- He summons stratos and ends. I put him on gorz, but with the way my hand was I had to go for it regardless. I make Bureido x2 and Scrap dragon and he doesn't have gorz. Really sorry man.

Round 6: Asian Dude (Six Samurai)

Game 1- He opens with a +1 United. But I have trunade into an OTK rofl.
Game 2- Mid game I use Cold Wave + Puppet Plant to take his Goyo, swing over a facedown kagemusha and synchro Scrap Dragon to his 3 facedowns and 1 in hand. He passes his turn without a monster. I scrap dragon target my dust, killing two of his backrows which were both Solemn warnings. I then swing into a Dprison. :/ He ends up taking it shortly after.

In between games the head judge interjects saying that he was shuffling his deck in a shady manner. He consults with another judge about the top 6 cards of his deck but they
conclude that there was nothing wrong going on.

Game 3- I go off first turn with Bureido x2 and draw 2 with Strategist. He draws his 6th card, drops the trunade right off the top (sending back mst, dust and warning) and
then gateways into a Mist Wurm. I'm actually in a decent spot if I can draw any machine monster, but I whiff for two turns and Mist Wurm and company beat me down.

He ends up 1st after swiss. Good job.

Round 7: Daniel Bach (Machina Gadgets)

Game 1-
I struggle to deal with his backrows early on. He dualities into a Trap Stun instead of defensive cards and it ends up costing him. I stall with monsters and at one point Glowup + Dandy into double Formula. Later on I get off a Blackrose, knowing he has a useless Trap Stun f/d. He can't top a monster and I slowly draw into pieces for a Brionac which is enough to steal the game.
Game 2- I open terrible. He beats me down with gadgets and a banisher. I have to clear his backrows and settle for a catastor. But he's up way too much in advantage.
Game 3- I go off first turn into Bureido + Burei + Strategist I believe, with a Solemn Judgment and forbidden lance set. Unfortunately he has Dark Hole to force the solemn, and then a followup gadget + reborn for my strategist -> Blackrose. When he reborned my strategist, I informed him the effect was mandatory, so he switched my Bureido to defense and allowed me to draw a card ahaha. I'm able to make a secondary push later on with two Bureidos and a Fortress. He stalls out for a bit with his own fortress but I secure the win!

Woo, so thats 3 straight tops and 4 out of my last 5 attended. I end up 2nd after swiss.

Top 8 was something like:
Machina x3
Samurai x2
GK x1
BW x1
Karakuri x1

Top 8: Jeffrey Langbelle (Machina)

Game 1- He goes first and summons gearframe then sets 5. I whittle down some backrows and actually get off a huge blackrose for like +3. But again, at this point my life is too low and hes got gadget + Machina Fortress for game.
Game 2- I honestly can't remember what happened. I think I open with Gearframe and then control with an early warning. I think I end up wuinning with a Soldier + Teleport -> Burei + Soldier for game.
Game 3- He opens gearframe and sets two. I summon Strategist and successfully swing through his gearframe. I set Dust Tornado and mst which get used during his next end phase. I synchro into Bureido + Burei + Soldier and do some heavy damage. He brings out another Fortress and sets a backrow. I decide to go for it and lonefire into glowup bulb. Bring out a field of Bureido x2 + Stardust + Starategist and attack into his Fortess. He flips limiter in damage calculation... I look at my hand and then promptly drop forbidden lance for game. Epic ending to a fun regional.

Feels good to win my top 8 match as I had lost my last 2.


Monsters: 21
3 Machina Fortress
3 Machina Gearframe
3 Karakuri Soldier mdl 236 "Nisamu"
3 Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi"
1 Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan"
1 Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick"
2 Lonefire Blossom
1 Dandylion
1 Spore
1 Glow-Up Bulb
1 Psychic Commander
1 Mind Master

Spells: 13
2 Instant Fusion
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Forbidden Lance
1 Monster Reborn
1 Giant Trunade
1 Cold Wave
1 Foolish Burial
1 One for One
1 Emergency Teleport
1 Mind Control

Traps: 7
3 Solemn Warning
2 Dust Tornado
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Call Of The Haunted

A Few Notes:
-There were many times where I'd draw some really awkward hands (tons of tuners, no tuners, not enough machines). But as you can see, the deck definitely came together when it mattered. There is room for improvement but the build as is is solid.
-Mind master was ass like all the time. Teleport was great though obv. Not sure what to do with it.
-Plant engine is so good. Both glowup and Spore are redic and dandy definitely shined throughout the day.
-I like my Karakuri lineup. I had quite a few times where I had dead a fortress in hand, so I don't think less machines is ideal.
-I used every single monster in my extra deck. 3 Bureido is necessary for this kind of build and 2 Burei is enough.
-Mind Control was good. Puppet Plant and Lance as well.

Extra Deck: 15
3 Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"
2 Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei"
2 Formula Synchron
1 Cyber Saurus
1 Reaper on the Nightmare (couldn't find another Cyber Saurus)
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Armory Arm

-Rich for driving and being my good luck charm. 3 for 3!
-Chan for getting me cards that I need whenever I need them lol. Also almost 4 digit profits from a single day of trading? Wearing a scooby-doo sweater? Too good.
-Arjun for lending me glow-up bulb, finding me a Cyber Saurus and getting his first top using my dualities. Good job bro.
-Meeting some DGZ ppl for the first time.
-Jeff Jones for the inspiration
-Winning in the top 8
-Denny's celebration afterwards.


-Mind Master
-Myself for sacking so many people
-Having the worst side deck built
-JB for tainting the legitimacy of this regional with his top. rofl


Congratz !!!


Confirmed: Regional sắp tới mình sẽ phải đụng độ:
- Người về nhì của France National 2010 (đồng thời là cha để của Hamster Saber)
- Người về nhì của YCS Milan
- Người top trong YCS Milan, Saber.
- Người chơi Absolute Zero tốt nhất FR.

Tuy nhiên KO THỂ vì thế mà đầu hàng !!!

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