Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fight or Flight

The title is taken from my Hoobastank's favorite album: Fight or Flight. Check it out :D.

So yeah, I'm not dead yet, and yugioh is always itching in my head. Back then, when I didn't top at France National 2012 (salty), then later I was thrown out of the competitive scene because I didn't even care to learn the basic combo list of Wind-Up, same treatment with Mermail. I got enrolled in life and I was always thinking "Yeah, it's now over, at this age, Yugioh isn't my main hobby anymore. It's stressful, I need to feed it with money, etc etc."

Later on, back to February 2013, my local friends invited me to have some fun at St Brieuc regional. As usual, we haven't had much time to test, so we were rooting on deck that comfort us the most. That regional was where Fire Fists made their first debut, but I have only played them twice on Dueling Network!! YOLO, and I proceeded to go undefeated during swiss, made a near impossible comeback to earn a 2-0 victory in top 8, and lost shortly 0-2 in top 4 versing a pro Fire Fist player.

The unexpected chain of surprise doesn't end there. If I recall correctly, almost 2 years ago, I voluntary spoke to my friend: "Someday I will join United Gosus", because I desperately wanted to prove myself a worthy player, and also because I wanted to have a team where we can share ideas, light up our passion, and share the joy of topping. Each time my memory flashed back, I laugh hard because that promise is near impossible to realize (not to mention, my study career must be my first priority in life). Well, until someday, we formed our own association, "Card'Advantage", where we organize our own tournaments (it has a certain degree of success, to be honest), and now we are fighting for it, in order to make it well-known in France.

I'm now "forced" to play any Yugioh events using our theme playmat :P My friend wants to take a photo of us togother at big events, but I'm unfortunately against that idea.

So yeah, cheer for us at the upcoming big events: Angers Regional (17/03) and YCS Lille (27+28/04). Our official page on facebook is

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