Thursday, May 2, 2013

YCS Lille report


To be honest, my memory is fading away, there are so much to do at the moment. However, I think I shouldn't hide it away from people, and hope you can learn some random things from my report. Here we go.

The week before YCS Lille I were testing with Ktem and Tud (you might recognize who he is ^^ ). To be honest, it was just two nights, as Ktem planned to go to his friends' house in Lemans (many more players over there than Rennes), and Tud prolly had done his testing works already. During these two nights, my choice (Karakuri Duplication spam) proved to be consistent enough to pull out the OTK from nowhere, especially when I play versus Mermail because they barely have any defense. Tud wanted to try my deck so I let him try it. In his hand, sometimes the starting hands were unplayable, but it turned out to be OTK-ish if I happen to draw to my 7th or 8th card. Tud still didn't like it, but I still play it anyway, because as long as I shuffle well mathematically these hands shouldn't happen. Besides, I have no real options to switch to (I'm also comfortable with Inzektor, but I don't like the idea of being killed from a Spellbook of Fate banishing Hornet).

After a long ass crazy shit voyage, we were able to get to our hotel (1h15 AM). Cocolo and I had some fun playing vs his Masked Hero (or Sven Hero.dek). I even had a random duel with Gaetan where he opened too many Wind Up Factories for me to handle. lol.


Round 1: vs Natsuo Nagakawa Mermail

Game 1 I made a big push but was unable to OTK. I ended with a field of Bureido, Burei, Zenmaines, Burei(?). Forgot to use Burei to switch Zenmaines to def, so next turn he punished me with Big Eye and friends (Zenmaines got killed by 3 attacks in the same battle phase lol).

Game 2 I had the advantage with Swift Scarescrow, Maxx C in hand, and Dimensional Fissure on field. He end phase MST Fissure. After some turn, we have to play in time, which he won.

Round 2: vs Seb Moghim Mermail

Game 1 I won by a swift OTK

Game 2 I lost to Big Eye

Game 3 Where it's frustating because we are playing in time again, and people are watching. He has the LP lead (by 2000), but I have the card advantage. It's my last turn (turn 4), I know he has 2 Lindes set, so I'm forced to use Instant Fusion (difference: 3000), and finally have a field of Bureido, Bureido, Burei(?), Landoise(?). I manage to reduce the difference to 1000, and Bureido still hasn't attacked yet. However he special'd Spike from 2nd Linde, discard Infantry as cost, which destroys Bureido. I then later am more salty because he runs only 1 Infantry.

He then later top 32. Congrat.
As for myself, since I knew Natsuo is a very good player, I still believe to go on.

Round 3: vs Karim Salmi Dark world

Game 1 He made a misplay: activating Mind Crush in my Stanby Phase, declaring Emergency Teleport (last turn he used DDV). I chained both to make Zenmaines, then camped for a couple to turn to comeback.

Game 2 He had Card Destruction, 3x Dragged Down.

Game 3 I made naturia Beast successfully.

Round 4: vs Rafaella C (Mermail)

Game 1: I split my ressources into 2 pushes, he can't recover from the 2nd push.

Game 2: We are using Black Rose to bomb each other, after a couple of turns I end up victorious.

Round 5: vs Dennis H (Dino Fist)

Game 1: I won the dice, made a huge field.

Game 2: He goes first turn Tiger King, set 5. I look at my hand and know if I let him flip his Tenki next turn I will be unable to comeback. So I YOLO Storm and eat Starlight.

Game 3: Same as game 1.

So I'm 3-2 now.

Round 6: vs Sven (Masked Bubble beat)

Game 1: I didn't count in Mirror Force, so when I see him flipping it my heart is crushed =.=

Game 2: I have a hand that doesnt have tuner. But if he attacks my facedown Soldier I will have everything to OTK him. During his turn, he uses A Hero Lives to make Abyss Dweller, which attacks my Set Soldier (no fear Snowmans), declaring Dweller's effect. I draw for my turn, not a tuner! I also have Reborn but that doesn't do shit when he has Dweller (cuz I only have Soldier in grave). I set some more cards, end. He OTK me next turn.

I'm Out of the Main tournament. At this point I'm very mad at myself because I tend to lose too often to Big Eye, Black Rose when I go first and already made my big field. Also, losing to a single Dweller is frustasting. Ideas keep rising in my head but unfortenately the registration for Side events is closed.

When we have dinner at KFC I'm still too salty, so I rarely speak anything funny.

The night ends up being shorter than the last night because Gaetan is so noisy (snoring guy). Cocolo is testing alone again. T_T Finally we have time to play some games but we then find out that we are already too tired.


I end up using the OCG Karakuri build, with a little adjustments from Cocolo.

Win a mat 1:
I'm paired against a Samurai guy. We are in game 3, where I have 2 synchros on field, and he has Zanji with 1 card in hand. He topdecks Hand of the Six Samurai, then use his in hand Aceticism to nuke my field and attacks for game.

uMad? lol

Win a mat 2:
I enter the final vs a Wind Up player. Because I have time to look at his gameplay during earlier rounds, I find out that he doesn't understand the basic concept to use Rabbit's effect on Rat so he will have free XYZ next turn. Game 1 I build my advantage and steadily kill him. Game 2 he goes first, with 3 Factories and Judgment! Game after some turn, he is left to topdecking (no card in hand nor field), while I'm having Stardust and Burei on field and 2 cards in hand. He topdecks Reborn, use it to get my other Burei, uses its effect to switch my Burei to defense, kills it. I keep drawing non-defensive cards. He ends up winning.

Salty again. Fucking Reborn.

Win a mat 3:
I unfortunately see one of my opponents is a former YCS Champion and numerous times YCS Finalist, today he's playing Dino Fist. I meet him in the final. Game 1 goes in my favor as I bluffed Haipa successfully, next turn I activate Karakuri Anatomy, flip haipa, then attack to get 2 counters, blow up my Anatomy to draw 2. I win game 1 thanks to double Lances. Game 2(or 3?) he is having too many traps, I draw Judgment, set it, plan to spam Black Rose next turn with the help from Judgment. However next turn I topdeck Storm to completely destroy the balance. From Bureido's effect I get Reborn too, which is too unlucky for my opponent.

Unlike other people's report, he's nice, and his plays aren't shady like people think.

Finally, I have achieved some shit, I chill out with Ktem, watching the YCS Final from a giant screen, but we end up sleeping at same time cuz of the lack of sleep. (lol).

Before parting, we chill out at McDo with Nantes and Caen people. Gaetan gets mad again because Killian taunted him "Wind Up (his deck) doesn't need skills to play" (clearly a taunt). So Gaetan hovers to our table blabla'ing about his angry sentiment. I tell him "No the most skill-ess deck is Karakuri OTK". Everyone laughs after that lol.

So this was what I used:

The gem of the deck is Machine Duplication. So the deck now can guarantee a field of 4 synchros if you have a starting hand of 2 non tuner, 1 tuner lv3, Duplication:
1. lv5+lv3 = Bureido, eff ss Komachi
2. Duplication targets Komachi
3. Use extra summon from Komachi to normal summon a non tuner monster, for example, Karakuri Soldier.
4. Soldier + Komachi = Burei, eff ss Karakuri Ninja Nanashick
5. Nanashick + Komachi = Bureido, eff ss Soldier/Ninja Kuick (or Merchant)
6. Use Burei's effect to switch position of whatever non synchro karakuri monster, draw 2.
7. Komachi + Merchant/Soldier/Kuick = Naturia Beast/Catastor or Landoise

You lose 4 cards in exchange for 4 synchros on the field and 2 freshly draws.

Total damage: 2800 + 2800 + 2600 = 8200, as for Landoise, you will often use it to attack facedown Linde, then negate its effect. OTK!!!

The OCG build which I used to win my 3rd Win a mat tournament is inspired from this:

18 Monster
3x Inashichi, Karakuri Merchant
「カラクリ商人 壱七七
2x Kuikku, Karakuri Ninja
「カラクリ忍者 壱九
2x Nisamu, Karakuri Soldier
「カラクリ 弐参六
1x Karakuri Matchless Haipa
「カラクリ 壱八
1x Solar Windjammer
3x Effect Veiler
3x Ninishi, Karakuri Beauty
「カラクリ小町 弐弐四
2x Nishibach, Karakuri Staff Officer
「カラクリ参謀 弐四八
1x Saisan, Karakuri Doorkeeper
「カラクリ守衛 参壱参

14 Magic
3x Instant Fusion
1x Heavy Storm
3x Karakuri Cash Cache
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Karakuri Anatomy

8 Trap
3x Demon's Chain
3x Call of the Haunted
1x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment

I  took out the Calls, Veilers to fit in Prisons, Forces, BTHs and stuff.

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