Thursday, March 17, 2011

Exceed Summoning Rulings

Exceed Summoning Rulings by Duelingdays blog

Hi guys, rulings for Exceed Summons are out! For the Japanese readers, you can head over to here ( Meanwhile, just gonna do a complete translation for everything in the FAQ section.

Q: Can you use face down face down monsters as Exceed materials?
A: No you may not

Q: When the Exceed monster is destroyed and sent to grave due to battle or by card effects, what happens to the Exceed materials?
A: When the Exceed monster leaves field, the Exceed materials are sent to grave

Q: If Interdimensional Matter Transporter is used on an Exceed monster, what happens to the Exceed materials?
A: The Exceed materials are sent to grave

Q: If Compulsory Evacuation Device is used on an Exceed monster, what happens to the Exceed materials?
A: The Exceed materials are sent to grave

Q: If Book of Moon is used on an Exceed monster, what happens to the Exceed materials?
A: The Exceed materials stay on the field with the face down Exceed monster (Yes, the Exceed materials actually stay with the Exceed monster all the way)

Q: If Banisher of Radiance or Macrocosmos is on the field and the Exceed monster leaves field, what happens to the Exceed materials?
A: The Exceed materials are removed from game

Q: If Dimension Fissure is on the field and the Exceed monster leaves field, what happens to the Exceed materials?
A: The Exceed materials are sent to grave (Nope, not a translation error)

Q: If Mind Control is used on an opp's Exceed monster, what happens to the Exceed materials?
A: The Exceed materials' control moves together with the Exceed monster's control

Q: If Skill Drain is on the field and you Exceed Summon, what happens to the Exceed materials?
A: The Exceed materials are still placed on the Exceed monster

Q: Can a Zombie Carrier that is on the field through its revival effect be used as a Exceed material? If so, what happens to the Exceed materials? And what happens when the Exceed monster leaves the field?
A: You may use that Zombie Carrier as an Exceed material. When you use it as an Exceed material, the Zombie Carrier will become an Exceed Material for the Exceed monster. When the Exceed monster leaves the field, the Zombie Carrier goes to grave. (So yes, you can reuse it again)

Q: If a Sangan was used as an Exceed material, when it goes to grave, do you get the search effect?
A: When the Sangan becomes an Exceed material, it is no longer treated to be 'on the field', therefore you will not be able to search as it did not enter grave from field. (The same would apply to cards like DD Survivor, etc)

Q: If a Dandylion was used as an Exceed material, when it goes to grave, do you get the special summon token effect?
A: When the Dandylion becomes an Exceed material and is sent to grave, you will still get the special summon token effect. (Difference from Sangan is it does not have to enter grave from the field to get its effect. The same would apply to Jinzo Returner, DD Scout plane, etc)

Q: If a machine monster is an Exceed material, and a Cyber Dragon is on the field, can you contact for a Chimeratech Fortress Dragon?
A: You may not (Similar to Sangan's ruling, the Exceed materials are not considered to be on the field)

Q: If you have an Exceed monster on the field with Exceed materials, and your opponent activates Secret Barrel. Do you count the Exceed materials?
A: No, you do not include the Exceed materials (I guess consistent with its ruling for Sangan and such, Exceed materials are technically NOT on the field)

Other things not mentioned in the FAQ

Trap monsters can be used in the Exceed summon and they still go under the Exceed monster as an Exceed materials

Tokens cannot be used for Exceed summons. (No Phantom Skyblaster abuse for you)

Exceed materials are not considered to be on the field (Simiilar to the rulings for Sangan, etc in the FAQ), therefore you cannot target them with Thunder Break and other such cards.

Thats quite everything thats mentioned on the page. Hope the info was useful, got half an hour lesser sleep because of it. Enjoy~

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