Thursday, April 19, 2012

[OCG] Alive Bubble Beat

1 số card đặc biệt cho những bạn ko quen:
Cardcar D
A Hero Lives
Forbidden Lance
Night Shot
The Warrior Returning Alive
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Elemental Hero Gaia
Great Tornado
Nova Master
Elemental Hero the Shining
Daigusto Emeral
Blade Armor Ninja
Heroic Champion Excalibur
Lavalval Chain
Shock Master
Utopia Ray

If the opponent activates "Night Shot", cards other than the targeted card can be activated in a chain. Also, if a card other than the targeted card is activated, the card targeted by "Night Shot" can be activated later on the chain.[2]

==> Act Night Shot target set MST của opp. Opp có quyền chain Raigeki Break target 1 card bất kì, sao đó chain MST (đang bị Night Shot chỉ mặt) để phá 1 s/t trên sân.

So Night Shot isn't GOD-tier card anymore :( 

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